Tips To Help Nursing Moms Achieve a Better Sense of Self
This post was written by Jenna Sherman, creator of Jenna, a mom of three (two girls and a boy) hopes to help other parents acquire the skills they need to raise future leaders by providing a collection of valuable, up-to-date, authoritative resources. is an avenue for parents who want to make sure their children grow up to be strong, independent, successful adults.
Jenna’s insight in this article fits the core values of Lotus & Avenue, and we are proud to showcase her writing!
Depending on the person, nursing can either be a breeze or a challenge for first-time mums. If it’s been a little harder on you than you imagined it would be, then perhaps the cause of it all is because you’ve not been making your needs a priority too. That said, if you’re looking to improve in this area so that you can enjoy the nursing experience to the fullest, Lotus & Avenue shares how to achieve a better sense of self on your breastfeeding journey.
Eat More Nutritiously
Consuming a healthy diet is not only crucial for mom, but for baby too. Furthermore, there are specific breastfeeding snacks for nursing moms that can help replenish some of the vitamins and nutrients breastfeeding moms lose when nursing.
Journal Your Thoughts
There is perhaps no other time in life where you’re likely to experience a flood of emotions than you do with parenting. This is where journaling can come in handy to record your deepest thoughts and emotions as you come to grips with this exciting (and also overwhelming) time in life. Plus, you could keep it as a treasured memento when you’re passed the breastfeeding phase so that you could look back on and relive those cherished moments.
Sleep When You Can
Sleep is vital no matter what stage of life you're in. But it is even more essential for sleep-deprived moms who may be prone to postpartum depression. Hence, why getting in as much sleep as you need is so crucial to feeling healthy and whole again.
Meditate to Melt the Stress Away
Perhaps you haven’t felt like you’ve had a moment to yourself since the new baby arrived. Maybe feelings of frustration are starting to compete with the nurturing side of you because you just need a break during round-the-clock feeding. Then perhaps meditating could help provide you with a bit of mental relieffrom the pressures we put on ourselves as well as striving to live up to the expectations of who others think we should be. Whether it's doing yoga, listening to meditative music, or meditating on scripture, you're sure to experience rest and relaxation as you've never known before.
Clear Away the Clutter
There is perhaps no other moment as serene as when you're breastfeeding your new baby. That's why it's crucial to create a space that is harmonious and positive to enhance the special feelings associated with this precious time even more. Take a few moments during your little one’s nap to declutter and clean up using a naturopathic remedy to remove bad energy. And let some light in - after nap time, of course - to enjoy the benefits of nature even while you’re inside.
Schedule a Haircut
For many new mothers, the days and weeks after childbirth are a time of adjustment. Along with the joys of caring for a new baby, they may also be dealing with changes to their body and their lifestyle. One way to help ease this transition is to get a postpartum haircut. Not only can a new hairstyle help you feel more like yourself, but it can also make breastfeeding easier. Long hair can get in the way when you’re trying to position your baby, and it may also be more likely to harbor bacteria. A shorter style will help you feel more comfortable and confident while you’re nursing, and it can also be easier to keep clean. If you’re looking for hair-care tips and product recommendations, remember to check out Lotus & Avenue!
Reduce Your Workload
Maybe you're still trying to keep up a side hustle while caring for your newborn, and you feel like you haven't been coping. Then maybe it's time to let go of some of that responsibility and hand it over to someone else instead so that you can make more time for yourself as well as the two of you together. You don’t want to give up on things you are passionate about, but you do need to set some boundaries and assess your own needs. This way you can achieve a better work-life balance. And remember that your needs and boundaries can change over time, so as your little one develops, so will your boundaries.
In summary, taking care of yourself while nursing is vital. Not only will it benefit you, but it will give you the mental freedom to really bond with your newborn. You don't want to feel depleted at a time when you should be feeling the most alive as you care for and nurse your child. But remember that each person is different, and that you are allowed - even expected - to change your boundaries at any time. Self-care is about allowing yourself permission to listen to your body and respond accordingly.
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We hope you found these tips encouraging and motivating as you navigate your breastfeeding journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Jenna and I wish you the very best in your parenting endeavors and will continue to share more resources and helpful tips on both our platforms.
Much love!