Use This Brush For Less Hair Breakage (Safe for Extensions)

Safest brush for less breakage

If you’re noticing a lot of fly-aways, short pieces of hair near the root, a lot of frizz, and/or you have extensions, one thing you might consider doing is switching brushes. A lot of the times, we don’t realize how rough we are being with our hair and just how fragile it can be. Having the best brush can significantly reduce your breakage. What’s the best brush? Read below:

I used to highly recommend wet brushes (they’re certainly better than a paddle brush with hard bristles), until I recognized that a Style Brush has flimsy bristles without ball-capped tips. The ball-capped tips, no matter the softeness of the bristles from any brush, will still catch in tangles (and grown-out extensions), which can cause breakage. When there aren’t any ball-capped tips, there’s nothing to get caught on tangles, and the bristle simply slips out of the knot without ripping any of your hair.

Gentle brushing tips:

  1. A style brush with no ball-capped tips is your best starting point

  2. Section your hair as best as you can (sections don’t have to be perfect). This gives you smaller, more manageable areas to work through without ripping your hair

  3. Start from the ends of your hair and gradually work your way up, this is the most effective way to get through tangles

  4. If you’re still struggling with tangles, using your fingers to gently pull them apart is also effective and gentle, then continue using your brush from the bottom-up to get through the section

  5. Work through each section like this until you’re tangle free!

Now you know how to safely brush through your hair, with the least amount of damage. It might seem daunting to spend the extra time, but your broken pieces (and extensions if you have them) —and your scalp— will thank you!

To get your Style Brush for less breakage, click the link below:

Get Your Style Brush Here

If you’re looking for another alternative to tackle those tangled locks of yours, it might be worthwhile to check out my Prose blog article. Switching to Prose was the best haircare decision I’ve ever made and my hair is naturally less tangled and way more manageable.


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