Becoming A Published Author


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Read below to learn more about the book itself!

If you read my About page, then you know I’ve dreamed of becoming a writer. I went to university for writing initially, before deciding I didn’t need a full university degree to do that and needed to explore my other passion first: hair.

Ultimately, my goal in life is to write a completely solo book, but I’ve never known where to begin. This website has also been a dream of mine, and it’s so surreal that I’m making this dream come true. In addition to my website, I’ve officially become a published author in the collaborative book series by Sue Ruhe and Marsha Vanwynsberghe called Every Body Holds A Story (EBHS).

This book is what I like to think of as the new-age Chicken Soup For The Soul, except it wasn’t just everyone submitting their stories, there was an application and interview process to be chosen as an author. Behind each chapter is approximately 4,000 words written by a brave woman who is willing to share their story in the hopes of helping anyone going through similar circumstances.

My writing experience for EBHS was the best stepping stone in my writing career, as Sue and Marsha held my hand, provided templates and questionnaires, and taught me how to “brain dump”. Letting go of perfectionism was a skill I started to learn during this process as well, and you can hear more details about my process in an interview with Sue and Marsha on their podcast: Every Body Holds A Story episode 62

The intention behind EBHS is to provide readers with answers to questions each author has already had to experience. EBHS is a catalyst for change for anyone reading, as you’ll experience empowerment, inspiration, and shifts in perspective. I can honestly, confidently, say that this book will change your life in a positive way, even if it’s something seemingly small.

I can’t thank you enough for simply reading about the book, let alone if you intend to purchase a copy.

Your support is appreciated tremendously, and I know you’ll enjoy these stories that are written by women in places of bravery, vulnerability, and growth.

The book cover for Every Body Holds A Story


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